Both WHATSAPP and TELEGRAM messaging services have an end-to-end encryption for chats in order to protect the privacy of their users and improve their security.
Is it enough to keep eyes far from them?
No!!, according to a recent research conducted by techroods, hackers can impersonate victims and reply to both WhatsApp and Telegram chat messages.
Hackers can exploit the SIGNAL SYSTEM 7, aka SS7, which is a set of protocols developed in 1975 that allows the connections of one mobile phone network to another. The information passed from a network to another are needed for routing calls and text messages between several networks.
The SS7 performs out-of-band signaling in support of the call establishment, billing, routing, and information exchange functions of the public switched telephone network (PSTN).WHICH is now also use by BLACK HAT HACKERS for BOUNCING their networks
Experts discovered that hackers can exploit a flaw in the SS7 protocol to steal the victim’s identity on the messaging services with just basic skills.
The principal instant messaging services, including WhatsApp and Telegram, rely on the SMS authentication as the primary security verification mechanism, which is routed through SS7 signaling. This means that hackers exploit the SIGNAL SYSTEM 7 to compromise the verification mechanism and take over the victim’s account and impersonate him.
As explained by the experts, the rarest aspect of the story is that hacker does not need high-skills or a special equipment for such attack.
The hackers used a common Linux distro and a publicly available SDK for their tests.
“An intruder doesn’t need special equipment. a hacker used a popular Linux based computer and a publicly available SDK for generating SS7 packets. + After performing an initial attack using SS7 commands, the intruder is able to execute additional attacks using the same methods.” states the paper from Positive Technologies. “For instance, if an intruder manages to determine a subscriber’s location, only one further step is required to intercept SMS messages, commit fraud, etc. + Attacks are based on legitimate SS7 messages.
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