🌕Nord vpn 2 year method🌕

1) It is not necessary to use VPN

2) Use Incognito Mode
We manage a Paypal.de, we register with temporary or invented mail.
Temporary Mail: https://temp-mail.org/es/
Something like this will come out: (Fill in here: http://www.fake-it.cc/)
- Your name: First Name
- Last Name: Second Name
- Geburtsdatum: Date of Birth (Put Date of birth from 1940 to 1960)
- StraBe und Hausnummer: The Direction or Direction
- Adresszusatz: Leaving it blank is optional.
- PLZ: Postal Code
- ORT: State of the postal code. (Les automatically appears)
- Telefonnummer: Phone Number, http://www.es.receive-sms-online.info/ We copy the number of Germany

Now it's time to associate a Banking Account
- First Place the Date of Birth.
- Bankleitzahl: Banking Code, 8-digit son in fake-it.cc search Where BLZ Dice: http://en.fakenamegenerator.com/
- Kontonummer: NAME OF ACCOUNT Are 10 digits in fake-it.cc search Where dice Kontonr
(It is not necessary to confirm the bank account, if it is the sale of error because it is already used generate another)

They already have their PayPal account with a fake bank account Now comes the last step.

.We are going to: https://nordvpn.com/special/2y-deal/?nvp...0wodAkcPAA
They give Buy or Buy Now.

.Where? If the temporary mail is necessary because they have to confirm the account, they post the key mail and
Set Paypal payment method, accept the Terms and give you buy now Send it to the paypal page
Put your account and log in.

.If you get the payment With a card below you will get it THIS: By Uberweisung Zahlen you are given hay
and from the Send to the Bank Account they accept the payment and they have NORDVPN for 2 years